Upcoming Chestnut Opportunities
Fall is coming, so there are many "chestnutting" opportunities to plan for. Annual meetings and conferences, nut harvesting, fall plantings, etc.
The KY-TACF Annual Meeting will take place on September 24, 2016 at Bernheim Forest near Clermont, KY. The meeting should begin at 9:30 AM. More info to come.
The National TACF Conference will be in Louisville in November! More details to come or check the TACF website for info. www.acf.org
Locally - we will be harvesting nuts at Meades Landing Orchard this fall. These nuts will be planted into the new seed orchard at Eastern Kentucky University next spring. We also need to tend our local display plantings. A request for participants will be sent out once the weather moderates a bit.
Late fall/early winter - hopefully, we will have the opportunity to search out pure American root sprouts at Ft. Knox again this year. Those found that can be dug will be transferred to the Germplasm Conservation Orchard at Green River Lake. More info to come.
Make your plans now to participate within the Louisville area in these many upcoming opportunities. Together, we can save this Eastern giant!